Stan Myers

“As an artist I am passionate about exploring, discovering and expressing my experiences through my artwork. For me it is as much about discovering a special setting as it is capturing the moment in a painting. Sometimes I feel like my discovery is unique to me, but perhaps I’m simply attuned to what I see.

Such adventures were first instilled in me as an impressionable child while traveling with my parents on family vacations. I was often captivated by locations that filled my imagination with wonder. I sensed something uniquely beautiful and I wanted to share my experiences with others.

What I am captivated by are unique settings full of atmosphere. Certainly how the light reveals the subject influences this by way of the time of day and or the time of year. Quite often there is a story alluded to in the subject discovered that plays upon my impression. Abstract shapes, patterns, texture, rhythms and color reinforces my response. When I encounter one of these alluring moments and consider it as a painting I have to ask myself what is it saying and how can I best capture what has captivated me?

I have chosen to work in watercolor because I admire it’s translucency as well as its immediate, fluid responsiveness to expression. Just as light is translucent, so is watercolor. I curiously explore interpreting what is observed through the layering and merging of colors. Additionally I appreciate that watercolor is so conducive to freely express the subject matter with the slightest influence of brush movement, touch, texture moisture, etc. With each painting I grow more willing to let the medium freely say what it will of what I am seeking to capture.

When you, the viewer, look at one of my paintings, my hope is that you will discover a special moment and place that stirs your heart as it has mine. That each day the eyes of your heart would be opened to realize the goodness and beauty that surrounds us.”

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